I have two potential sources of funding available through work. My Staff Development fund (general education) and an International Global Grant (only for this experience). Plus, self funding but that is the absolute last resort so let's pretend I never said those words.
The costs of the Field School have been finalized and I have paid my $1500. I have applied for SD funding for that. I can access up to $2000 year. But I want to keep a bit back for a course I would like to take in Summer (Dot, yelling won't stop me).
So, I am hoping the Global Grant will fund the airfare and some additional costs, such as taxis, some meals not included, immunization (Dukoral!), passport photos etc. I did up a budget of all travel, meals, incidentals that are not included in the cost of the field school. I wrote up a lovely, detailed letter outlining my needs and basically asked for another $1000. This, of course, does not cover any side trips (The Wall!) and my two extra days in Shanghai and Beijing, those are on my dime.
So far, I have only been approved for the $500 deposit from SD but a fairly firm verbal A-Ok about the other $1000. It's the Global Grant that is the unknown. I'll keep you posted.
Air Canada:
I got another one of those dreaded 'schedule change alert' emails from Air Canada. Oh, how I dread the schedule change (see Ecuador & Vietnam). I opened the email and couldn't even figure out what the change was. Turns out it is something like a 10 minute change for an earlier departure time. Yes, please. Finally a good one!. Or at least a mostly neutral one.
Cultural Competencies:
We had another meeting about the field school to go over some cultural competencies. We mostly covered general stuff about how not to be a racist jerk, even if unintentional. But I was really keen to hear about the 'side notes' like where to sit at a round dinner table (answer, wait and someone will put you in an appropriate spot based on your social rank - I may be in the kitchen). I need more of that stuff.
Apparently how you hand over a business card or gift is important. Two hands!
We are all going to take the Myers Briggs personality assessment to see what type of person/traveler we are. We are going to spend a lot of time together and we all are basically strangers so this should be interesting (or my worst nightmare). We meet again about that right before we go.
But I digress: Homestay
Oh, update on homestay. We aren't going to be staying with families for the first week in Xuzhou. We are in a hotel. But we are good to go for week two in Baotou. As you know, the homestay was what sold me on the field school in the first place. So, this isn't the greatest news but I'm glad we still get the opportunity for some of the time.
Luzia sent me the name of my homestay person and some detailed biographical info. Here it is in it's entirety: (female). Well, I barely need to find out anymore! We should get along like gangbusters based on both having lady parts! Luzia wants us to contact our homestay and introduce ourselves. I don't even know which is her first name and last name. I have her full name but if memory serves me, names are reversed. To Google!
I found this informative website (I hope it is culturally competent and not just stereotyping, I live in fear - I have only ever humiliated myself on trips before, I have never represented my employer). So, last name first, first name last. Plus title. I don't have a title, not even a Ms or Miss or Mrs. I'll keep you posted.
More random thoughts:
I am busy downloading some apps on my phone. WeChat, the messaging system people use in China. Can't use Google translate so I downloaded Baitu (?). And XE Exchange.
I went through International Ed's online course/field school resources. Lots more to read on cultural stuff.
I went over to Chris's and basically stole a wheelie bag from her. Wheelie bag travel. Look how grown up I am!
Here are two BBC articles on the two cities I will be visiting. Umm, can you spot the differences? If the names of the articles doesn't tip you off, the pictures & descriptions sure will. (Granted the one on Xuzhou is a fluffy travel piece and the one on Baotou is about industry and the West's insatiable demands for newer and shinier electronics.)
Xuzhou: The Land of Water
Baotou: The Worst Place on Earth
Fortunately, Bautou is where I have my homestay (female) so she can show me around the city and hopefully, focus on the nice parts. I have been assured it isn't as bad as this article makes it seem. Plus, we have had a longer relationship with the Baotou school so we can be a bit more comfortable with them. Our connections to Xuzhou are newer so more formal interactions are to be expected.
I have two potential sources of funding available through work. My Staff Development fund (general education) and an International Global Grant (only for this experience). Plus, self funding but that is the absolute last resort so let's pretend I never said those words.
The costs of the Field School have been finalized and I have paid my $1500. I have applied for SD funding for that. I can access up to $2000 year. But I want to keep a bit back for a course I would like to take in Summer (Dot, yelling won't stop me).
So, I am hoping the Global Grant will fund the airfare and some additional costs, such as taxis, some meals not included, immunization (Dukoral!), passport photos etc. I did up a budget of all travel, meals, incidentals that are not included in the cost of the field school. I wrote up a lovely, detailed letter outlining my needs and basically asked for another $1000. This, of course, does not cover any side trips (The Wall!) and my two extra days in Shanghai and Beijing, those are on my dime.
So far, I have only been approved for the $500 deposit from SD but a fairly firm verbal A-Ok about the other $1000. It's the Global Grant that is the unknown. I'll keep you posted.
Air Canada:
I got another one of those dreaded 'schedule change alert' emails from Air Canada. Oh, how I dread the schedule change (see Ecuador & Vietnam). I opened the email and couldn't even figure out what the change was. Turns out it is something like a 10 minute change for an earlier departure time. Yes, please. Finally a good one!. Or at least a mostly neutral one.
Cultural Competencies:
We had another meeting about the field school to go over some cultural competencies. We mostly covered general stuff about how not to be a racist jerk, even if unintentional. But I was really keen to hear about the 'side notes' like where to sit at a round dinner table (answer, wait and someone will put you in an appropriate spot based on your social rank - I may be in the kitchen). I need more of that stuff.
Apparently how you hand over a business card or gift is important. Two hands!
We are all going to take the Myers Briggs personality assessment to see what type of person/traveler we are. We are going to spend a lot of time together and we all are basically strangers so this should be interesting (or my worst nightmare). We meet again about that right before we go.
But I digress: Homestay
Oh, update on homestay. We aren't going to be staying with families for the first week in Xuzhou. We are in a hotel. But we are good to go for week two in Baotou. As you know, the homestay was what sold me on the field school in the first place. So, this isn't the greatest news but I'm glad we still get the opportunity for some of the time.
Luzia sent me the name of my homestay person and some detailed biographical info. Here it is in it's entirety: (female). Well, I barely need to find out anymore! We should get along like gangbusters based on both having lady parts! Luzia wants us to contact our homestay and introduce ourselves. I don't even know which is her first name and last name. I have her full name but if memory serves me, names are reversed. To Google!
I found this informative website (I hope it is culturally competent and not just stereotyping, I live in fear - I have only ever humiliated myself on trips before, I have never represented my employer). So, last name first, first name last. Plus title. I don't have a title, not even a Ms or Miss or Mrs. I'll keep you posted.
More random thoughts:
I am busy downloading some apps on my phone. WeChat, the messaging system people use in China. Can't use Google translate so I downloaded Baitu (?). And XE Exchange.
I went through International Ed's online course/field school resources. Lots more to read on cultural stuff.
I went over to Chris's and basically stole a wheelie bag from her. Wheelie bag travel. Look how grown up I am!
Here are two BBC articles on the two cities I will be visiting. Umm, can you spot the differences? If the names of the articles doesn't tip you off, the pictures & descriptions sure will. (Granted the one on Xuzhou is a fluffy travel piece and the one on Baotou is about industry and the West's insatiable demands for newer and shinier electronics.)
Baotou: The Worst Place on Earth
Fortunately, Bautou is where I have my homestay (female) so she can show me around the city and hopefully, focus on the nice parts. I have been assured it isn't as bad as this article makes it seem. Plus, we have had a longer relationship with the Baotou school so we can be a bit more comfortable with them. Our connections to Xuzhou are newer so more formal interactions are to be expected.
"I have only ever humiliated myself on trips"...are you sure about that?
I meant the only part for 'myself' not for only while on trips (claro!) :)